Today, as quoted from andrew, has been a real joke..
Woke up quite early for remedial. Guess what.. only 3 people turned up for the chemistry remedial =) how NICE! But it was better la in a sense that i finally understood redox.
Then after that went to J8 to meet andrew for macs. Met hilary and joey there.
Then we went to library but we found that it was never-ending full of people so we headed over to cafe cartel for our second lunch. But the main reason was becuz we had no where else to go since everywhere was crowded.

So here's a pic of our second lunch. There was some confusion in the whole kitchen becuz we just merely changed seat. Then i think they got angry with us and got hostile. After we finish eating they immediately gave us the they wanted to chase us away like that.. But nvm.. we tried to studied while eating at the same time..
Cuz we were seating at the corner seat, there was limited amount of space so we moved to the big round table ^^
Yup, so here's a few pictures of us trying to study....We called Mr tan JH, sharon, kenny, guo wei, zheng kai, and bryan tan cuz we were bored and needed some company...but alas, all of them were busy...We were stuck trying to study...dunno how to do..except for physics..But most of the time was spent gossiping and laughing our heads off about the yakult advert, king of floss, our ditzy-ness and so on.....
Hey! At least we tried studying rite..Although didn't do much today, but the important thing is that we tried..Over the whole holidays, i feel i have done the most today! I feel i have made a huge accomplishment. I'm so pleased with myself of spending 20% of my indulgence time trying to study..(although we didn't complete anything). 20% is such a sacrifice. ^^
It's official! I'm dumb!
Boo! You Whore!
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