Sudden motivation to blog.
Ah, less than 10 days to SOV. Stress! I can't even do my homework properly. Haha, but i guess all the hard work put in, supporting and singing for hours, will pay off when i'm on stage looking at each and every one you all. Choir people have really made singing more than just singing. No man is an island.
It's really depressing to see someone cry on her birthday, and gets scolded and feel neglected. Sigh, i hope all goes well for you and that you'll pull yourself up and see that there are so many people that care for you. you just have to look for these people. I know that you've suffered alot and think that you're stuck in this hellhole, but there are people that are there to help you and will stand by you.
Sorry may for missing your birthday! I deserve to die like many many times!! You're a super super cherished friend and a good listening ear too! I love may!!!'
I'm seriously beginning to love the class more and more! Muyao's a seriously good photographer. I think the best i've seen in my whole life!! Plus, he's damn funny to talk to lol! He has that very.."lol" face you just want to laugh with him haha! Just look at that!!

Haha, the kayak people are seriously damn funny! Crazy people!!!! Haha i love the class! Esp the best friend, reneegoh, which has made tutorials and lectures very much painless and enjoyable =)
Haha, to end off, i hope Alesia Gian fails her history and geog midyear. All the best =D
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