Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm so sick of studying. Oh wait..i haven't studied the whole day today..

Been lazying the whole of today, eating and resting like a slob. And maybe playing a little bit.

I hate chinese so so much. Tmr is chinese Os and i'm so not ready for it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My world would be one where u can eat all you want and not put on weight. My world would be a place where there is absolutely NO stress whatsoever and there is no need for exams. Especially stupid O and A levels. My world would be a place where u can get anything you want without paying for it so there's no need for work and as such, there is absolutely no need for education.

Stupid exams..It's driving me up the wall.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today was damn decadent. Like whatever i did, i just couldn't put my mind to it. Very restless and irritated..

I really need to atone for this sinful day and maybe study like the muggers we are. After all, isn't that what we're supposed to be doing now? Wednesday..then Thursday..then 3 more days until the O levels. Sigh..I'm so excited yet nervous at the same time!

What i should worry about is my sciences and my social studies. Why must we study social studies!! dammit! Like it's gonna be of any good to us.. STUPID SOCIAL STUDIES! And to think it's actually only worth half the marks.

Oh and i just remembered..There's english tomorrow. 8am!!! How am i supposed to wake up that early!?!? Ok, i admit. These few days i've been waking up wayy too late..that's why i've not been attending the extra classes..sigh..I should just shut my mouth and stop procrastinating and just go for the damn english mock tmr.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sigh, the guilt..

Very extremely umproductive today. Maybe that's why i'm blogging now..The last post was also around this time. I guess when the week comes to an end, all my energy is drained out. Cannot like that..Olevels in 14 days. I feel super uber guilty today. Can i just turn the time back and try this day again? Ok, if i could do that, i would go to church first of all, then when i come back, i would study phy, history and do my english essy. Then at night, i would reward myself by watching tv then sleeping at 10. Half the things listed i did not do. The only thing i did was watch tv. Tsk tsk philip..cannot like that..My study to play ratio is about 1:5

Ok maybe i'll take today as a break to get ready for the week ahead. By the way, the week ahead will be the last week in Cat high..after 10 years..sobs, i must really cherish the time we have left as a class. I'm so gonna miss these people.

All this stress, don't know if it is justified. If i'm gonna talk about stress and the life of a teenager, i might just ramble until the next morning. Ok, i really need to burn the midnight oil already. At least finish studying malaya.

Monday, October 01, 2007

A few more weeks until the end of secondary school life. Now that i phrase it that way, i feel a little sad of leaving. Ok but still bittersweet none the less.

This 4 years, sigh..where do i even begin?? I think the thing i'm gonna miss most is my class. I really hope that we can still have reunions after we leave. I know it's impossible to hold onto every single one, but i'll remember you guys forever. Cheesy =/

2 more weeks to Olevel. I really shouldn't panic at this time. Just continue studying. I must tell myself i believe i can do it and the sky's the limit. Yes, that's it. I can be the best i want to be!

$70 on gradnite? sigh, if majority from my class doesn't go, then i'm not going. period. A party to me, is nothing without 4-5. Ok i really should get back to studying. Being chained to my desk for 5 hours straight makes me delirious. But i shall continue to press on. I'm almost there!!!