Saturday, May 31, 2008

Had a really bad game today. Damn fustrating. nvm it's just a game dammit.

CRC dinner tmr. I'm looking foward to that even though it's at tamp ikea. Dunno whose idea was it. =D

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Had fun with the kiddies from meta childcare centre today. pictures up soon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

haven't woken up so late in a long time. But this does not necessarily mean i'm lazy right? I'm just nocturnal. So does that mean the animals are lazy too? I guess not. Anw, felt super grumpy when i woke up cuz my maid off-ed the ac to force me to wake up. Too bad she can't hold her arsenic.

I feel like playing sims all of a sudden. whatever. this post has gone stale. Bye.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I wish you would say 'i love you' and mean it

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crap, my wallet has a hole in it. Like literally. And figuratively. Man, this wallet has been with me for 3 years more or less. I guess it has quite abit of sentimental value to me. It feels like yesterday when i first got my wallet. Sigh. Now it's time to part. Goodbye wallet. I'm gonna miss you. Now, i need someone something else to help carry my money around.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I so messed up now.
My heart races when i think about you,
I don't know what else to say except 'iloveyou'.
I guess love is overrated.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm feeling fat. That's not good. Shit, i gotta run tomorrow!!

Sigh, elections tomorrow, so no 3rd pe. Just when i'm in the pe mood, they had to make me pon pe. Argh!!

OMG i dunno how reneegoh does it. Superwoman i guess, maybe she has a hidden power to multitask super efficiently. or maybe she has the ability to clone herself. finished all her homework and still got time to enjoy and exercise. Ok, who am i kidding. I think it's called proper time management. Sigh, i wish i had that too. All thanks to stupid computer addiction. Crap, i sound like some immature secondary school adolescent who is stuck to his comp. No offence to alexis though.

Got a 'treat' from bitsy at SPIZZA yesterday and it was excellent(The food, not the treat)! Oh, and i swear kenny's life is so damn smooth sailing. Imagine, getting good grades throughout primary secondary and JC life, having excellent friends, been to overseas with choir, can still enjoy and indulge occasionally, have an slack excellent time in army, and now, being accepted into NUS law school. You little boelynbitch! I would give anything to be in his shoes right about now. Argh, i hope my future is as bright as his.

Anw, i have to do my homework now. Bye.

I guess i'll just live on the memory of you until the sixth day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm still not getting back into the study mood. Someone please help me!

I seriously seriously love VJChoir. It's been only half a year and it feels as though i was carolling yesterday. I'm gonna miss those not going to wales terribly. esp the ethnic people, leng yong PAO, nirupa RAO, Anthony, weishun china woman, mega 10^8, weirui, faith and alot more! It's never going to be the same without you guys. So far, VJChoir has been a wonderful experience but one thing i've realised is that things can change overnight. But i still love each and everyone of VJChoir. NOMANISANISLAND =D

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I used to think that love was overrated, until i met you.
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

I got shitloads of homework. i think i'll take a day off to clear up my stockpile. RAWR!! Maybe next tuesday will be a good day to take leave.

I really want to go out this saturday. But princess brashness is too brashy to celebrate her birthday with us, so we shall postpone it. Haha, I'm looking forward to SPIZZA. This time, it's not for friends, but for best friends.

I feel like a hero,
and sometimes,
heroes need their sidekicks to lend a shoulder.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sudden motivation to blog.
Ah, less than 10 days to SOV. Stress! I can't even do my homework properly. Haha, but i guess all the hard work put in, supporting and singing for hours, will pay off when i'm on stage looking at each and every one you all. Choir people have really made singing more than just singing. No man is an island.

It's really depressing to see someone cry on her birthday, and gets scolded and feel neglected. Sigh, i hope all goes well for you and that you'll pull yourself up and see that there are so many people that care for you. you just have to look for these people. I know that you've suffered alot and think that you're stuck in this hellhole, but there are people that are there to help you and will stand by you.

Sorry may for missing your birthday! I deserve to die like many many times!! You're a super super cherished friend and a good listening ear too! I love may!!!'

I'm seriously beginning to love the class more and more! Muyao's a seriously good photographer. I think the best i've seen in my whole life!! Plus, he's damn funny to talk to lol! He has that very.."lol" face you just want to laugh with him haha! Just look at that!!

Haha, the kayak people are seriously damn funny! Crazy people!!!! Haha i love the class! Esp the best friend, reneegoh, which has made tutorials and lectures very much painless and enjoyable =)

Haha, to end off, i hope Alesia Gian fails her history and geog midyear. All the best =D