Finally managed to spent like a long time getting my room packed for next year, and also organising my many useless files i found!
VJ caroling is totally fun! Whoever said that caroling is a waste of your holidays should 'jump in a lake and drown' (quoted by cheryl) haha!
But seriously, carol with VJ has made this christmas so special and it's one of the best i've had in many years. The stayover at lixuan's house, the year 0 outings, the practises and just being in everyone's company has made me happy! Oh but i miss kenny!
The year 0s rock! haha! Even though we just met during the holidays, i feel like we are one BIG family already! So sad for zhiyang and rachel who couldn't join us though =(

I'll just upload 1 picture to show you how much fun i had! All the other pictures are on my facebk..too lazy to upload here =P
Ok i gtg cut my hair now. BYE!