Mug like you've never mug before! Lucks!
Haha.. long time no blog guys..
Sgt mou and me haha! Jamie meimei and me!
mumsies and edward
Me, ward, jamjam and mumsies in a taxi.
A perfect example of the harmful effects of classical music =)
Hope you enjoyed it! will be taking more pics!
Ohmy.. I just love yesterday's and today's study session with andrew....sudddenly all the add maths questions become super easy..it's now chemistry that is causing all my hair to drop =(
Bitchy bobby and destructive denis went for reservice today. The day they left, the world became a better place. So wrong!
So then we went to Ya Kun Kaya toast and had eggs, toast and coffee..we decided to eat first then study =) So studying halfway, listening to our MP3s at the same time...
Then out of no where the madness came...we saw legally blonde and her whole family happily eating..we sorta waved at her and ya..gossiped about how underneath the nice and cheerful looking family, was a chaotic household....the husband taking drugs and the wife drinking...Ya..so had qquite a laugh at that...then came the BLODDY MARY and deduced how it was made from ms Hua's monthly discharges (no pun-intended). So damn funny la...i shan't go into the details..
So we joked and joked but at least we did study lor...abit of chem and emaths..although when we tried doing the questions we got terribly stuck that we had to call for mr tan JH and ms Tan SW for help but neither of them were free... by that time it was 5plus already....
We studied for a while more then came the big indulgence!! we went to Hans' for our high tea =) These are some of the pictures before we started eating...mind you all this food was shared between 2 people only.
Yups..then i remembered walking a while and making silly jokes of the rampage lady and her wierd body shape.. So without knowing..it was 7 and we decided it was time to leave remembering that today is the last day of our holidays =(
Nice red crumpler....Issit yours?? *stares with a smile =)
Although we obviously indulged ourselves more than we studied, the main thing is that we tried to understand chemistry and confronted our fears. Although we couldn't get it in the end, we tried and that's all that matters =)
FYI, It's official, I'm fat!
Enjoy your 2 more days of holidays!!!!!
Today, as quoted from andrew, has been a real joke..
So here's a pic of our second lunch. There was some confusion in the whole kitchen becuz we just merely changed seat. Then i think they got angry with us and got hostile. After we finish eating they immediately gave us the bill..like they wanted to chase us away like that.. But nvm.. we tried to studied while eating at the same time..
Cuz we were seating at the corner seat, there was limited amount of space so we moved to the big round table ^^
Yup, so here's a few pictures of us trying to study....We called Mr tan JH, sharon, kenny, guo wei, zheng kai, and bryan tan cuz we were bored and needed some company...but alas, all of them were busy...We were stuck trying to study...dunno how to do..except for physics..But most of the time was spent gossiping and laughing our heads off about the yakult advert, king of floss, our ditzy-ness and so on.....
Hey! At least we tried studying rite..Although didn't do much today, but the important thing is that we tried..Over the whole holidays, i feel i have done the most today! I feel i have made a huge accomplishment. I'm so pleased with myself of spending 20% of my indulgence time trying to study..(although we didn't complete anything). 20% is such a sacrifice. ^^
It's official! I'm dumb!
Boo! You Whore!
Woke up this morning realised i has slept for like 10 hours!!
Ohmy..teachers' day..
One thing i learnt is that miranda preistly, acted by meryl streep, is so biatchy and the thing that makes her my fav character is her bossy attitude. Bossing people around and instructing them what to do is something which i feel i should have. It's like people worship her or something.. This show is strictly for the high-class, fashionable people only. If you're like goh tee leng or mrs lim mei wah, then dun bother watching. Mdm endang should go watch this la XD
Anw, we had a science quiz thingie and the prize was a $20 hagendaz voucher. of course we won la but stupid terence and zhong ying..never help us in anyway still have the cheek to get $10 of the voucher. Of course being the best, we pitied them lor and gave them $10. Meanwhile, me, andrew and daryl spent the other $10 very nicely i must say.....
Hahas..we indulged ourselves the next day!
And so, this post comes to a close by wishing those taking their oral on monday best of lucks!